Cbiligreham Christian
1 min readJul 18, 2021

Strong Vs Weak Brands

Strong Brands

High Awareness — Your target audience knows who you are.

Strategic Alignment — Your brand reflects your culture and vision.

Clear Message — People know exactly what you do and who you serve.

Distinctive Image — Your brand image is unique and memorable.

Loyal Customers — Customers are raving fans who regularly refer others.

Enthusiastic Team — Your employees are your biggest advocates.

Consistent Usage — Branding is used consistently across all company channels.

Weak Brands

Low Awareness — You struggle to connect with your target audience.

Strategic Mismatch — Your brand doesn’t align with your vision and culture.

Weak Message — People struggle to explain what you do or who you serve.

Generic Image — Your brand image is easily confused with others.

Disloyal Customers — Customers rarely come back or refer others to you.

Indifferent Team — Your team isn’t excited to wear the t-shirt or use the logo.

Inconsistent Usage — Branding is not used uniformly across all company channels.

Cbiligreham Christian
Cbiligreham Christian

Written by Cbiligreham Christian


Graphic Designer, Logo Designer, Freelancer

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